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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 36% | Middle 34% | High 34%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 32% | Middle 31% | High 21%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 39% | Middle 39% | High 33%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 19% | Middle 15% | High 11%

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Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Below are the various Technology Acceptable Use Policies for the district.  These are meant to serve as a synopsis of the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) 08.2323 found in the policy manual on the district’s website.  It is the employee’s responsibility to read and fully understand the full AUP.


Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Contracting Organizations Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Employee Technology Acceptable Use Policy




Graves County Schools provide computer resources in an effort to help support its primary objective, which is to enhance teaching and learning. As responsible members of the Graves County community, all students are expected to follow and adhere to the guidelines established below based on common sense, common decency, rules established in the schools of Graves County, rules established by the Graves County Board of Education, and laws of the City of Mayfield, County of Graves, State of Kentucky, and the United States of America. Strict adherence to the following guidelines will help ensure a positive and productive environment for all students. All students using school computers in Graves County will:

  • Respect others’ rights to freedom from harassment and intimidation;
  • Respect and adhere to laws concerning copyright and other intellectual property rights;
  • Follow security restrictions for all systems and information;
  • Use and share computer resources courteously and efficiently;
  • Recognize limitations to the privacy of electronic documents.

The student will be held responsible for his/her actions.  Unacceptable uses of the network will result in disciplinary actions set forth by the individual school’s administration. Disciplinary action could also result in the student being responsible for reimbursing the district for repair or replacement of district property.  Some examples of such unacceptable uses are:

  • Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts;
  • Using the network for financial or commercial gain;
  • Degrading or disrupting equipment, software, or system performance;
  • Vandalizing the data of another user;
  • Wastefully using finite resources (such as downloading software and files not related to educational purposes);
  • Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities;
  • Invading the privacy of individuals;
  • Using an account owned by another user;
  • Posting personal communications without the original author’s consent;
  • Posting anonymous messages;
  • Downloading, storing or printing files or messages that are profane, obscene, or that use language that offends or tends to degrade others;
  • Creating or editing personal web pages using the school network;
  • Unauthorized e-mail or chatting;
  • Gaining access to, viewing or otherwise visiting pornographic web sites.




Please contact the district office for a copy of this AUP.




This AUP is listed in the TalentEd documents an employee fills out each year.



This page was last updated on 03/01/2021.