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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 30% | Middle 35% | High 34%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 33% | Middle 25% | High 21%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 40% | Middle 36% | High 31%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 17% | Middle 15% | High 15%

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Logo Title

Connecting to GravesCo Schools Wireless

(public 3rd-party device access) 

It is to your advantage that you register your device with your username and password. Users who register will have faster speeds allotted to them and only have to register the device once per year . Users who do not register their usernames with their devices will have slower speeds and must re-register every time they connect.

To connect to the GravesCo Schools Wireless:

  • Open your wireless network settings on your personal device
  • Choose "GravesCo Schools"
  • Open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari... whatever you use) and browse to any site other than a Graves County Schools site ( works nicely)
  • Click on the link "Please click here to connect to the network"
  • You will come to the page that says at the top "Graves County Registration Center". Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your network username and password if you have an account (if you do not have an account, choose 'Guest Access')
  • Click the "Login" button
  • On the following page read the AUP and click on the check box "I Agree to the Terms of the Acceptable Use Policy"
  • Click "Complete Registration"
  • There will be about a 20 to 30 second wait while your device and user account are registered to our system
  • Once the process is over you will be redirected to our district homepage
  • Users who register their username along with their device will only have to do this once per year per device
  • Users who do not register a username with a device will have to follow this process every time they connect