Graves County Schools Certified Personnel Evaluation Plan and Procedures (CEP)
The vision for the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) is to have every student taught by an effective teacher and every school led by an effective principal. The goal is to create a fair and equitable system to measure teacher and leader effectiveness and act as a catalyst for professional growth. OPGES is a portion of the PGES system designed for Other Professionals who have a nontraditional educational setting. Other Professionals will use the Kentucky Framework for Teaching-Specialist Frameworks, which includes five unique frameworks designed specifically for the Other Professional job responsibilities. Other Professionals will use these specialist frameworks during the summative evaluation process, just like classroom teachers will use the Kentucky Framework for Teaching.
Other Professional Categories
- School Counselors
- School Level Library/Media Specialists
- School Psychologists
- School Instructional Specialist/Curriculum Coaches
- School Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Specialists
Framework for Teaching-Specialist Frameworks
The Frameworks for Teaching for Other Professionals are research-based sets of components of instruction that are grounded in a constructivist view of learning and teaching. The complex activity of teaching is divided into multiple standards clustered into four domains of teaching responsibility:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Environment
3. Delivery of Service
4. Professional Responsibilities
Frameworks for Teaching for Other Professionals are designed for the unique professional responsibilities of these specialists.
Teacher Framework
Guidance Counselors Framework
Library Media Specialists Framework
Other Specialists Framework
- School Library Media Specialists
- School Counselors/School Social Workers
- School Therapeutic Specialists (Speech-Language Pathologists)
- School Instructional Specialists
- School Psychologist,
The Framework for Remote Teaching
Principal/Assistant Principal Growth and Evaluation Tool
KY PSEL Guidance for Growth and Evaluation
Self-Reflection & Professional Growth Planning
Self-reflection is a process by which Other Professionals assess the effectiveness of their planning, implementation, content knowledge, beliefs, and dispositions for the purpose of self-improvement. The goal of self-reflection is to improve through ongoing thinking on how professional practices impact student and teacher learning.
The goal of a professional growth plan is to facilitate the translation of growth needs identified through self-reflection and other processes into practical activities and experiences that are of value to Other Professionals in strengthening their competencies in the identified growth need areas.
Self-reflection and professional growth planning are sources of evidence used to determine an educator's Overall Professional Practice Rating.
Observation is one source of evidence that contributes to an educator's Overall Professional Practice Rating. For some categories of Other Professionals, observations may look more like a site visit to meet the confidentiality needs of their work.
All observations will include a post-observation conference where Other Professionals and primary evaluators will have a conversation about how the evidence collected during the observation aligns with the Kentucky Framework for Teaching-Specialist Frameworks.
The power of observation lies in its ability to provide feedback and analytical reflection necessary for Other Professionals to make intentional changes to their professional practices.
Summative Evaluation
Summative Evaluation can be found in TalentEd. Summative Evaluation takes all evidence from the plan to determine final ratings on each domain and an overall professional practice rating.
All forms for the plan are located in TalentEd. Self Reflection/PGP forms and Summative Forms will be assigned to educators by administration. Pre-Observation and Post Conference forms can be initiated by the educator in TalentEd. Search the letters GC in available forms to locate the corresponding forms.