2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for
Elementary 36% | Middle 34% | High 34%
Elementary 32% | Middle 31% | High 21%
Elementary 39% | Middle 39% | High 33%
Elementary 19% | Middle 15% | High 11%
See All Scores
ARC Checklist
ARC Meeting Annotation
Assistive Technology Checklist
Case Manager Checklist
CITE Learning Styles
Child Abuse Reporting Form
EC 23a Request for Release of Student Records to Third Party
Elementary Learning Styles
Graves Exclusionary Factors
Parent Age of Consent
Parent Letter for not attending ARC Meeting
Procedural Safeguards
Procedural Safeguards (Spanish)
Records Release Request (regular)
Restraint and Seclusion
School House Book
Social/Developmental History - REEVALUATION ONLY
Special Transportation
Special Education Brown Folder Organization
Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
Surrogate Application
Surrogate Information